List of Startups in the United Arab Emirates

List of Startups in the United Arab Emirates


The startup landscape in the UAE keeps growing.

Here is a table listing about 200 UAE startups in various industries.

This valuable resource allows job seekers to identify startups in their industry of interest that are worth considering for job applications or approaching founders to work with and provide assistance.

Highlights of the Database

  • Founding information: Status, Last founding stage and date, Founders
  • Business information: Size, Industry, tags, location (Dubai, Abu Dhabi)
  • Links: website, crunchbase or Linkedin so you can learn more and reach out to employees or the founders directly
  • Signs of growth: Website visits, Linkedin followers relative to founding date


We scanned through 100’s of startups and kept startups which received funding or had minimum of 5 employees or were showing signs of growing or hiring.


Crunchbase and Linkedin