Which Consulting Firms in the UAE are the most active on Linkedin?

Which Consulting Firms in the UAE are the most active on Linkedin?

One of the most important business drivers for consulting firms is their reputation, which is hugely fueled by conferences, panels, reports, insights, and thought leadership content all over the web, including social platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Out of curiosity, we did some data analysis to see which consulting firms have most of their employees or partners posting on LinkedIn and which ones are using their employees and partners as brand advocates or thought leaders on a professional platform such as LinkedIn.

Here is a comprehensive list of some of the biggest consulting firms with a footprint in the UAE.

We looked at them from three angles:

Employees globally:

  • How many employees globally?
  • How many of them have posted in the last 30 days
  • The percentage of employees having posted.

Knowing that the LinkedIn algorithm limits company page content visibility to 3% of the followers on average, it is critical for consulting firms to grow their brand awareness and influence through their employees.

Employees in the GCC region

  • How many employees in GCC?
  • How many of them have posted in the last 30 days
  • The percentage of employees in GCC having posted

Partners in the GCC region

  • How many partners in GCC?
  • How many of them have posted in the last 30 days
  • The percentage of partners in GCC having posted

Partners are usually the faces of the firm and are the thought leaders that the firm wants to spotlight.

So, the higher the percentage, the better.

Especially if the company creates a ton of content and posts published every month via their company pages.

What about you?

Does content from consulting firms or partners impact your perception of their brand, credibility, and way of working?

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